Sunday, August 24, 2014

batman beating superman

well a lot a people wonder with the batman vs superman film coming up a big fight superman and batman man who would win

lets start by looking at the comics that the batman v superman fight comes from

1 the dark knight returns

2 batman hush

3 batman red sun

4 baman and superman

who won?

batman wins

superman is knocked out after batman beat him with kyponite energy latter superman was able to save batman

5 kindom come
who can stop a superman branwashed batman if he did not take out the kyptonite superman would have died good thing that are freinds or superman would be dead

6 batman retruns 2

7 world finst comics

8 dark knight the animated movie

9 batman v superman

you dont even have to be bruce wayne to beat superman you just need the name batman to send fear up the spine of superman
10 batman superman



again batman like beating superman alot

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